Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Ways to Improve your Eyesight

Forget about wearing high definition contact lenses or getting laser surgery. That's old, stale news. Medicine has made significant advances in the field of ocular science. One of the most startling discoveries in recent times has actually negated whatever was believed about 20:20 vision all this time.

For example, we always thought that as we age, our vision will keep deteriorating. Plus our lifestyles are such that we keep subjecting our eyes to great torture in the form of radiation from TVs, computers, e-book readers, cellular phones and so on. Now, it seems that our vision doesn't need to deteriorate as rapidly as we age. In fact, we can actually improve our vision and our eye sight at any age.

This doesn't involve complicated surgeries, laser treatments, or medicines. There are simple exercises that can help improve your vision, even in advanced years. You will notice that some of these exercises might be familiar to you, but now recently studies have proven, without a shadow of doubt, that these exercises can actually reverse the ageing process.

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