Tuesday, June 22, 2010



350g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids), chopped
1 x 397g can condensed milk
30g butter
pinch salt
150g pistachios


Step 1: Put the chopped chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt in a heavy-based pan on a low heat, and stir to melt.
Step 2: Put the nuts into a freezer bag and bash them with a rolling pin, until broken up into both big and little pieces.
Step 3: Add the nuts to the melted chocolate and condensed milk and stir well to mix.
Step 4: Pour and spatch this mixture into a foil tray 23cm square, smoothing the top.
Step 5: Let the fudge cool, and refrigerate until set. You can then cut it into small pieces approx.

Step 6: 3 x 2.25cm. Cutting 8 x 10 lines in the tin to give 64 pieces best achieves this.
Once cut, it can be kept in the freezer – no need to thaw just eat straight away.

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