Thursday, June 24, 2010

كابتن ماجد - دبلجه كويتيه

Adry mo wayed wathe7..but etha7kony wayed

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Espresso Maker!

Few days ago I read in the newspaper that "Megatrends Institue" lunched their new "Espresso Maker" which can be used through your mobile!

The idea is you use your mobile as it shown in the picture and the machine will start reading your mood 3an 6areq your msgs bestekhdam QR code o etsawe el coffee 3ala 7asab mazaj elyoom!!

sij 3ad? ya3ny etha ana mestansa elyoom betseer sweet wetha methayga betseer morra wela shino bethab6?

Al-Jarra Flowers

What's New:

Now, You can send your orders via Website or via Telephone
Hot Line : +965 1 802 666 / Direct : +965 2 2404906

"الشيف روشان ما يغشمر"

ee walah 3ala hal nathra mayghashmer :P

Kuwait Talents "I Have a Dream"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Shaikhas" Collection..

Seriously, I liked her collection .. as she said "Wearing one of my creations make you stand out from the crowd" and really it is .. trendy fashion colorfull is all what you can see in her collection ..
These are some of her collection at karkoosha website which are already out of stock or you can visit her FB .. good luck Shaikhas :D



350g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids), chopped
1 x 397g can condensed milk
30g butter
pinch salt
150g pistachios


Step 1: Put the chopped chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt in a heavy-based pan on a low heat, and stir to melt.
Step 2: Put the nuts into a freezer bag and bash them with a rolling pin, until broken up into both big and little pieces.
Step 3: Add the nuts to the melted chocolate and condensed milk and stir well to mix.
Step 4: Pour and spatch this mixture into a foil tray 23cm square, smoothing the top.
Step 5: Let the fudge cool, and refrigerate until set. You can then cut it into small pieces approx.

Step 6: 3 x 2.25cm. Cutting 8 x 10 lines in the tin to give 64 pieces best achieves this.
Once cut, it can be kept in the freezer – no need to thaw just eat straight away.

Rijeemy Centre "Do It Smart!"

"You've landed on one of Kuwait's leading Nutritional Clinics. We at Rijeemy Centre take care of our patients' nutritional needs, where each individual is offered one-to-one sessions with one of our highly trained Dietitians. We also help our clients to build their self-esteem whilst they move through their weight loss journey"

Do it SMART at Rijeemy with:

Dr.Abdullah Al Mutawa
D. Shaikha Al Rabah
D. Ahmed Leeri
D. Anwar Al Baloul
D. Amnah Haider
D. Abdulaziz Ameer

Rijeemy's number: 22492229
Address: Al Awqaf Mall.Location:2nd Floor, Tower 12, Al Awqaf Mall.

Alaah Ewafeg'kom :)

SALE up to 50% KAREN MILLEN & Women'secret

Monday, June 21, 2010

I Like! Net-a-Porter

These are what I like in Net-a-Porter website .. Hope you'll like it too :)

Notte by MARCHESA:








Escape The Room Games!

I just love this kind of games .. Some times it takes forever just to get one step ahead! It makes you think and think and .. Think! Till you reach a point where you keep on clicking every single thing in front of you!!
If you want to play click here(a) or here(b)

ToyWatch FIFA World Cup 2010

The most ToyWatch in the world

Jelly Flag collection. Suggested retail: 70 KD

7ag ely met'athren bel kora wayed :D

Avaiable at..
Beidoun: Dana Center Salmiya - Plaza Center Hawalli - Sharq - Kuwait Magic Abu Halaifa
Every Moment: The Avenues Mall - Al Mohalab Mall
Write.Time: The Avenues Mall - 360 Mall - Al Kout Mall Fahahel - Bairaq Mall
Tell: +965 24346763

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Asalah Nasri launches her New Khaleji Album

"Qanoun Kaifek" is the title of her second Khaleji Album and it has 10 songs

LOUIS VUITTON new Bond Street Maison in London

Their display window is very creative

Interior Design

FIFA World Cup 2010 Crazy Fans Pictures

ya3ny akher 2 pictures ray7een eshaj3on wela ekhar3on enas ?!