Monday, July 12, 2010

Heart Shaped Cake Recipe


  1. shakelha yummy, abey el recipe plzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  2. All what you need are:
    - cake mix.
    - a packet of Dream Whip.
    - 4 eggs.
    - a cup of water.
    - two cans of prepared frosting (I recommend the white frosting adding red food colour)

    To do:
    - Mix every thing together (cake mix, Dream Whip Eggs, a cup of water) until the dry ingredients combine with the wet.
    - Use a timer to make sure that you beat the cake for the full 4 minutes.
    - With a melted butter and brush dehnaw el pans men dakhel (two pans "round+square") o ba3adha 7e6aw eshwayat e67en 3ashan matalzeg el cake o 7e6aw elmix bs try to divide it equally.
    - Put them in the oven until they get the golden brown colour and take them off the oven and keep them for 5 minuts out to cool.
    - Bs gesoha methel esora o 7e6aw el cover ely tabona o 6ab3an as i rocommend khel6aw ma3a el white frosting food colour el a7mar o akeed shakelha bekoon wayed 7elow :)

    Alf 3afyaah :D
